Ethereum: To create a blockchain using MySQL database [closed]

Home > Ethereum: To create a blockchain using MySQL database [closed]

I’ll help you with that. Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating a simple local Ethereum-like blockchain using MySQL:


  • You have a basic understanding of MySQL and its data types (e.g. INT, VARCHAR, DATE).
  • You have Node.js and the mysql2 package installed.
  • You have created a new MySQL database.

Database Schema:

We will use the following schema for our blockchain:

| Column Name | Data Type | Description |

| — | — | — |

| id ( PRIMARY KEY ) | INT | Unique identifier for each block |

| timestamp | DATETIME | Timestamp when the block was added to the chain |

| data | VARCHAR(255) | Data contained in the block |

Create a MySQL table:

CREATE TABLE blockchain (



data VARCHAR(255)


Inserting initial blocks:

To create new blocks while referencing previous blocks, we use the concept of a “previous block” or “block reference”. We store the id of each block in a separate row and create a foreign key reference to itself.

INSERT INTO blockchain(data) VALUES('Initial block data');

Inserting another block:

To add new blocks to our chain, we insert a new row with the current timestamp and the data contained in the block field of another row. We will assume that each block contains a reference to the previous block using the “id” column.

INSERT INTO blockchain(data) VALUES('New Block Data');

Inserting a reference to the next block:

To create a new block and reference an existing block, we insert a new row with the current timestamp and the “id” of the previous block. This creates a reference to the previous block.

INSERT INTO blockchain(data) VALUES('Next Block Data');

Using MySQL queries:

Here is how you can use SQL queries to create and manage blocks:

-- Create a new block and reference an existing block

INSERT INTO blockchain(data)

SELECT 'New Block Data'

FROM blockchain


-- Insert a reference to the next block

INSERT INTO blockchain (data)

VALUES('Next block data');

-- Check the data and references of the current block


How ​​it works:

  • When a new block is inserted, a new row is created in the blockchain table with the current timestamp and data.
  • To add a new block while referencing an existing one, we select the latest id value from the previous row (using LAST_INSERT_ID()) and insert a new row with the updated data and timestamp.
  • We continue this process to create subsequent blocks while referencing the previous ones.


In this article, we created a simple local blockchain similar to Ethereum using MySQL database tables. By storing the “id” of each block in separate rows and creating foreign key references between them, we can easily manage our blockchain. This approach allows us to easily add new blocks while also referencing existing ones, ensuring that our chain remains valid.

Use cases:

  • Developing a decentralized application (dApp) that requires secure data storage and retrieval.
  • Creating a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus algorithm for a cryptocurrency or blockchain platform.
  • Building a smart contract system that relies on the blockchain to manage data.

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